The Loneliness of the Dying Norbert Elias

Elias Norbert Loneliness of the Dying


This book “is a short meditation by a great old man on people relating to other people who are dying, and the need for all of us to open up.”

Publisher Continuum
Year 2001
Pages 95
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Format PDF


“Addresses the issues of death and dying in a unique and personal way. It is a groundbreaking study, scholarly, and deeply humane. He brings forth one of the greatest problems confronting people of all ages in today’s hyper-developed Western societies: although people die more hygienically than ever before, they also remain in almost complete emotional isolation. Discusses a basic contradiction of our age: namely, that emotional distances between people have become ever greater. By isolating the dying, we all lose our direction and life’s meaning before we lose our lives.”

Edmund Jephcott


  • The Loneliness of the Dying
  • Postscript Ageing and Dying: Some Sociological Problems


"There are various ways of dealing with the fact that all lives, including those of the people we love, have an end. The end of human life, which we call death, can be mythologized through the idea of an afterlife in Hades or Valhalla, in Hell or Paradise. This is the oldest and commonest form of the human endeavour to come to terms with the finiteness of life. We can attempt to avoid the thought of death by pushing it as far from ourselves as possible - by hiding and repressing the unwelcome idea - or by holding an unshakable belief in our own personal immortality — 'others die, I do not'.

There is a strong tendency towards this in the advanced societies of our day. Finally, we can look death in the face as a fact of our own existence; we can adjust our lives, and particularly our behaviour towards other people, to the limited span of every life."

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Title The Loneliness of the Dying Norbert Elias
Publisher Continuum
Date 2001
Pages 95
Country United States of America
ISBN 0826413730
Translation Edmund Jephcott
Format PDF
URL Download Norbert Elias The Loneliness of the Dying Norbert Elias pdf