The Teachings of Don Juan Carlos Castaneda 

Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings Don Juan Yaqui Way Knowledge


The teachings of don Juan is the story of a remarkable journey: the first awesome steps on the road to becoming a “man of knowledge” — the road that continues with A Separate Reality and Journey to Ixtlan.

Publisher none
Year 1985
Pages 135
Filesize 10.5 MB
Format PDF


Carlos Castaneda, under the tutelage of don Juan, takes us through that moment of twilight, through that crack in the universe between daylight and dark into a world not merely other than our own, but of an entirely different order of reality. To reach it he had the aid of mescalito, yerba del diablo, and humito- peyote, datura, and mushrooms. But this is no mere recounting of hallucinatory experiences, for don Juan’s subtle manipulations have guided the traveller while his interpretations give meaning to the events that we, through the sorcerer’s apprentice, have the opportunity to experience.

Anthropology has taught us that the world is differently defined in different places. It is not only that people have different customs. It is not only that people believe in different gods and expect different post-mortem fates.

It is, rather, that the worlds of different peoples have different shapes. The very metaphysical presuppositions differ: Space does not conform to Euclidean geometry: Time does not form a continuous unidirectional flow: Causation does not conform to Aristotelian logic: Man is not differentiated from non-man, nor life from death as in our world.


At first I saw don Juan simply as a rather peculiar man who knew a great deal about peyote and who spoke Spanish remarkably well. But the people with whom he lived believed that he had some sort of "secret knowledge", that he was a "brujo". The Spanish word brujo means, in English, medicine man, curer, witch, sorcerer. It connotes essentially a person who has extraordinary, and usually evil, powers.


Born in 1925 in Peru, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda wrote a total of 15 books, which sold 8 million copies worldwide and were published in 17 different languages. In his writing, Castaneda describes the teaching of Don Juan, a Yaqui sorcerer and shaman. His works helped define the 1960's and usher in the New Age movement. Even after his mysterious death in California in1998, his books continue to inspire and influence his many devoted fans.

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Title The Teachings of Don Juan Carlos Castaneda 
Subtitle A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Publisher none
Date 1985
Pages 135
Country United States of America
ISBN 0671600419
Format PDF
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