The Love of Art Pierre Bourdieu y Alain Darbel



“In The Love of Art, Bourdieu and Darbel address such questions on the basis of a wide-ranging survey of museum visitors throughout Europe. By examining the social conditions of museum practices, they show that cultivated taste is not a natural gift but a socially inculcated disposition which is distributed unevenly, and which predisposes some to distinguish themselves through their love of art, while others are deprived of this privilege”

Publisher Polity Press
Year 1991
Pages 182
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The Love of Art: European Art Museums and Their Public is a study conducted by Pierre Bourdieu and Alain Darbel (in collaboration with Dominique Schnapper) on museum attendance. Published in 1966, this book is supported by various surveys conducted in five European countries (Spain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland) that seek to challenge the assumed natural and universal enjoyment of the cultural practice of visiting museums.

“If you go to the museum,” Pierre Bourdieu and Alain Darbel state at the end of a rigorous and fascinating study, “it’s because you went to school. If you visit museums frequently, it’s because you spent a long time in school. (…) The love of art (…) is like knowing how to behave at the dinner table: the privilege of a social class.” (Madeleine Chapsal, L’Express, September 1966).

— Vía AvaxHome


  1. Signs of thc Times
  2. The Research Process
  3. The Social Conditions of Cultural Practice
  4. Cultural Works and Cultivated Disposition
  5. The Rules of Cultural Diffusion
  6. Conclusion
  • Appendices
    1. Timetable of Research
    2. The Questionnaires and the Sampling Method
    3. The Public of Frcnch Musceums
    4. Verificatory Surveys
    5. Analysis of 250 Semi-directed Interviews
    6. The Public of European Museums


Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) was a French sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher, renowned for his influential theories on cultural capital, habitus, and social fields. Born in rural France, Bourdieu studied philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure before turning to sociology. His early fieldwork in Algeria shaped his critique of structuralism and his focus on power dynamics in culture and education

A public intellectual, Bourdieu critiqued neoliberalism and media power. His interdisciplinary approach bridged theory and empirical research, leaving a lasting impact on social sciences. He died in Paris in 2002.

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Title The Love of Art Pierre Bourdieu y Alain Darbel
Subtitle European Art Museums and Their Public
Publisher Polity Press
Date 1991
Pages 182
Country Reino Unido
ISBN 9780745619149
Translation Caroline Beattie y Nick Merriman
Format PDF
URL Download Pierre Bourdieu, Alain Darbel The Love of Art Pierre Bourdieu y Alain Darbel pdf