
Sociology Anthony Giddens Anthony GiddensWiley-Blackwell9780745643571
Essays on The Sociology of knowledge Karl Mannheim Karl MannheimOxford Universiry Press Incnone
Die feinen unterschiede Pierre Bourdieu Pierre BourdieuSuhrkamp3518282581
Dictionary of Sociology Collins David Jary and Julia Jary David Jary and Julia JaryHarper Collins0004343735
The Disappearance of Rituals  Byung-Chul Han Byung-Chul HanPolity1509542760
Sociology John Macionis y Kenneth Plummer John Macionis y Kenneth PlummerPearson Prentice Hall013128746X
Tales of Power Carlos Castaneda Carlos CastanedaSimon and Schuster0671218581
A Separate Reality Carlos Castaneda Carlos CastanedaA Touchstone Book0671732498
The Teachings of Don Juan Carlos Castaneda  Carlos Castanedanone0671600419
Journey to Ixtlan Carlos Castaneda Carlos CastanedaThe Bodley Head037010482X
Caste Isabel Wilkerson Isabel WilkersonRandom House9780593230251
Madness and Civilization Michel Foucault Michel FoucaultVintage Books039471914X
Atomic Habits James Clear James ClearPenguin Random House9780735211308
Pedagogy of the Oppressed Paulo Freire Paulo FreireContinuum0826412769
Essential Sociology Seema Nitin Sangwan Seema Nitin SangwanLexisNexis9355933126
Introduction to Sociology Zerihun Doda Zerihun DodaEthiopia Public Health Training Initiativena
Sociology John J. Macionis John J. MacionisPearson9780205116713
The Hero with a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell Joseph CampbellPrinceton University Press0691017840
An Invitation to Environmental Sociology Michael Mayerfeld Bell Michael Mayerfeld BellSage Publications9781412990530
Ulysse from Bagdad Eric‐Emmanuel Schmitt Eric‐Emmanuel SchmittAlbin Michel9782226188618
La société de cour Norbert Elias Norbert EliasFlammarion2080811444
Outsiders Howard Becker Howard BeckerThe Free Press0029021405
Essentials of Sociology Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum and Deborah CarrW. W. Norton9780393428193
Essentials of Sociology James M. Henslin James M. HenslinPearson9780205898473
An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology Pierre Bourdieu and Loic Wacquant Pierre Bourdieu and Loic WaquantPolity Press0745610323
The Loneliness of the Dying Norbert Elias Norbert EliasContinuum0826413730
We Have Never Been Modern Bruno Latour Bruno LatourHarvard University Press0674948386
Economy and Society Max Weber Max WeberUniversity of California Press0520035003
The Sociological Imagination C. Wright Mills C. Wright MillsOxford University Press139780195133738
The Social Construction of Reality Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann Peter Berger and Thomas LuckmannPenguin Books0140600019
The Rules of Sociological Method Emile Durkheim Emile DurkheimThe Free Pressnone
Sociology Haralambos & Holborn Haralambos & HolbornCollins9780007583195
The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Emile Durkheim Emile DurkheimThe Free Press0029079365
Introduction to Sociology 2e Heather Griffiths, Nathan Keirns, Eric Strayer, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Gail Scaramuzzo, Tommy Sadler, Sally Vyain, Jeff Bry, Faye Jones Heather Griffiths, Nathan Keirns, Eric Strayer, Susan Cody-Rydzewski, Gail Scaramuzzo, Tommy Sadler, Sally Vyain, Jeff Bry, Faye JonesOpenStax1938168410
Stigma Erving Goffman Erving GoffmanA Touchstone Book0671622447
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Erving Goffman Erving GoffmanA Double Day Anchor Originalnone
Studies in Ethnomethodology Harold Garfinkel Harold GarfinkelPrentice-Hallnone
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber Max WeberScribner Library Booksnone
Liquid Love Zygmunt Bauman Zygmunt BaumanPolity Press9780745624884
Discipline and Punish Michel Foucault Michel FoucaultVintage Books0394727673
Risk Society Ulrich Beck Ulrich BeckSage Publications08039834SX
Liquid Modernity Zygmunt Bauman Zygmunt BaumanPolity Press074562409X
The Civilizing Process Norbert Elias Norbert EliasBlackwell Publishing9780631221609
Picturing Algeria Pierre Bourdieu Pierre BourdieuColumbia University Press9780231148436
The Weight of the World Pierre Bourdieu Pierre BourdieuStanford University Press0804738459
Distinction Pierre Bourdieu Pierre BourdieuHarvard University Press0674212770
The Modern World-System IV Immanuel Wallerstein Immanuel WallersteinUniversity of California Press9780520267602
Communication Power Manuel Castells Manuel CastellsOxford University Press9780199567041
The Love of Art Pierre Bourdieu y Alain Darbel Pierre Bourdieu, Alain DarbelPolity Press9780745619149
The Mystery of Ministry Loïc Wacquant Loïc Wacquant (editor)Polity Press0745634877